Throughout the anime (classic and Shippuden), Naruto introduced us to several extraordinary techniques: the Rasengan variations, Sennin Mode, Multi-clone Jutsu of the shadows. But it was only in Boruto: Next Generations that he reached the apex of his power and activated a technique that equaled the strength of a God: the Baryon Mode.

And it is about this technique that we will talk here, how it works, how Naruto managed to activate it and what consequences it generated for the seventh Hokage.

How does Baryon Mode work?

The Baryon Mode, unlike the Senninn Mode, feeds on the user’s vital forces. For this reason, it is not only powerful, but also an extremely dangerous technique. To activate Barion Mode, Naruto fuses his chakra with that of the nine-tailed fox and the result of this fusion is a new energy that feeds Baryon Mode.

When telling the Hokage about this mode, which is completely different from Rikudo Mode, Kurama reveals that the process is similar to the way the sun produces energy: by combining elements generating a stronger one – that is, nuclear fusion.

By being fueled by this new energy, Naruto’s powers are enhanced, as is his physical strength. In one of the scenes, he can perceive Isshiki’s microscopic objects very easily. Something that went unnoticed even by Sasuke himself with his Sharingan. In another moment, Naruto manages to subdue Isshiki, and stop the giant cubes thrown by the villain.

What does Naruto look like in Baryon Mode?

MODO baryon

With Baryon Mode activated, Naruto is clad in a dark orange cloak (mixing the colors yellow (of Naruto) and red of Kurama). In addition, five tails are born on his cloak, which diminish as the potential (and the user’s life) of this mode fades away.

His eyes take the shape and features of the nine-tailed fox.

How long does Barion Mode last?

With Baryon Mode activated, Naruto was able to decrease Isshiki’s life expectancy from about 20 hours to just 30 minutes. This is because his brute strength, speed, and the power of his attacks are maximized, making the villain not stand a chance against his blows. Even though he is an Otsutsuki.

Also, the Mode is powered by Naruto and Kurama’s internal forces, as long as there is chakra, it will last. And as we know, Kurama has a considerable amount of chakra, which would make the fight even harder to win.

However, the longer the fight went on, the more dangerous for Naruto it became, since Baryon Mode consumes the life energy of those who receive the blows and those who attack as well.

Which EP Does Naruto use Bayron Mode?

Baryon Mode is first introduced in chapter 52 of the manga of Boruto: Next Generations. And in episode 217 of the anime.

Which EP does Kurama die?

With the use of Baryon Mode, Naruto or Kurama, one of the two will inevitably end up dying. This is because the Mode consumes the life energy of whoever receives the blows, thus decreasing the life expectancy of the opponent. It also consumes the life energy of the person who applies them.

With the fusion of the two chakras, whoever exhausted himself first would have his life cut short. And since Kurama had a much larger amount of chakra than Naruto, she unfortunately died in episode 218, one of the saddest of the entire season.

Watch Naruto vs. Isshiki fight

Now tell me here in the comments what you thought about Naruto activating Baryon Mode and Kurama’s death as a consequence?

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